

Sunday, June 5, 2011

From South Africa to Africa

During the holiday break in April, Courtney and I first spent a couple of days visiting our friend in Johannesburg and then travelled on to Nairobi, Kenya to catch a bus to Arush, Tanzania for a six hour ride across open country and through small towns where we could get a really clear view of real, daily life in eastern Africa.  The colourful clothing of the many Masaai people, mingled with the cattle and goats along the roadway was brilliant.  Many of the herds led by only a young boy, anywhere from five to twelve years old.  We passed markets, businesses, bicycles, donkey carts, cars and numerous small taxi - buses.  We could feel a very different feel in the air than from our time in South Africa.  There was a reality to this taht we had not yet experienced.  Arusha was amazing, as was the safari we took in the largest crater in the world.  Magnificent beasts and beauty!  The visit we took through a Masaai village was very interesting and moving.  After a few days we moved on to Nairobi, returning on the bus with more interesting sights to see.  In Nairobi we visited the Masaai market. Most enlightening. We toured the elephant orphanage, the giraffe park and the National Park.  Our final visit took us on a walk through Kibera, the largest slum in Africa of 2 to 3 million people.  This was an experience we will never forget as we were toured by a young lady, an amazing young lady, who lives and volunteers in Kibera.  She took us on a tour through her own living quarters among many varied aspects of this area. To get the full effect of one of the world's worst problems still existing look up Kibera online to see for yourself as words can not discribe this as it needs describing.  It was clear to me that the animals we saw in many situations lived better than these people who have been left and ignored by their government. I don't know where one would begin to fix this tragedy.
We hold every minute of that trip sacred. We are so lucky.