

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Paradise Found

I thought I knew what beauty was until now! Beauty is standing on the top of a mountain on a warm and sunny day with the breeze blowing in your hair while you look down on the valley below where you actually live, only five minutes away.  Beauty is wandering through a game reserve finding one animal after another. Beauty is watching the statuesqe grouping of giraffes defying you to come closer. Beauty is a rhinoceros standing in front of you. Beauty is seeing zebras playing without a care. Power and beauty surrounded us Saturday morning when, on the spur of the moment, we decided to visit the natural game reserve behind where we live. Breath-taking views mixed with a multitude of animal species. Just another typical day in Queenstown, South Africa! The magnificence, grace and frolicking nature of these animals is beyond belief. The peaceful coexistence of this animal community is miraculous.We are humbled by every new episode. Our good fortune to share these experiences in our lifetime is incredible. Thank you Mother Nature!

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